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Health professionals can't succeed by fearmongering

Updated: Mar 28

When faced with a food fear monger don't panic
No fear

By Andy C. Moussignac

Blue Ocean Culture

Founder & Owner


  1. Food Shaming

  2. Class-Based Food Inequality

  3. Holistic Nutrition

  4. Mindful Eating vs. Food Fear

  5. Anti-Diet Movement

Picture This

Every now or so, you often run into a former close friend or family member who spouts his or her personal beliefs on how bad the eating habits of lower-income families are. They rant on and on about how our toxic food consumption will lead to an early death and just being around them for a few seconds reminds you of why you no longer stay in contact with them. They can’t seem to register the fact that they are not a dietitian any more than you are. Why can’t they get around the fact that using coercion to get your loved ones to eat right will only push them away? 

What is food fearmongering?

Food fearmongering is the use of fear-based tactics to persuade people to change their eating habits. It often involves making exaggerated claims about the dangers of certain foods or food additives. For example, you might see a headline that says "GMOs are linked to cancer!" or "Sugar is the new tobacco!"

Some of these claims are often based on outright lies or can simply push your loved ones away from you. In many cases, the people who make them have no expertise in nutrition or food science. They're simply trying to scare people into buying their products or following their advice.

We Already Know

Look, we’ve known since we were babies how unhealthy processed foods could be, yet did that stop your parents from buying that Big Mac for you every Saturday? No of course not. Most fast-food restaurants are normally affordable, produced rapidly, and they are just a few seconds away from your house. Most high-end vegan restaurants are normally either in the downtown area, with lots of traffic, or in the city, with even more traffic. You’d be hard-pressed to find many people who would drain all that gas money for a 25-dollar veggie-burger meal. You can use all the fearsome scare tactics all you want but people would much rather save their money. Truth be told eating junk food simply relieves people of the stress of their everyday lives anyhow. Nothing will turn them off quicker than you bringing up your friend’s new organic vegan restaurant that’s 30 minutes away from your home.

Avoiding medical attention

food fear mongering makes us avoid medical attention
this topic makes us fear doctors

Over the years most people who I have known to struggle with weight problems tend to avoid medical attention because of fear inducement. Having a close family member forcing them to come to terms with their health is all too much of a tall order to bear. In addition, these individuals come from a lower income bracket which means they either don’t have or can’t even afford health insurance, which leaves them at the mercy of their own compromised condition. Besides that, toxic food tends to be the one thing that brings them joy and relief in their lives, telling them the opposite will further push them away from a medical professional. This kind of situation can also come down to perception. I may look at one person and think he or she is morbidly obese, yet the same person will feel as if they don’t need to see a doctor because they feel perfectly fine. They could turn around and point their finger at me and claim that I am another fear-mongering health nut.   

One-size-fits-all nonsense

Can we please stop with the one-size-fits-all mentality? How are we not aware by now that different people will require different nutritional needs? How you respond to sugar could be different from how you respond to fat. Even a certain time of the day will make you respond to food differently. There is even actual research that states identical twins respond to food differently, because of their gut microbes. There are many health benefits to eating a toasted avocado meal. Your taste buds may enjoy every inch of that meal, whereas I would end up feeling really sick. 

Love over food fear

Spread love, not food fear
Love over food fear

Food fear-mongering often capitalizes on our fears and uncertainties surrounding our diets. By understanding the underlying fears and anxieties, we can respond with compassion rather than manipulation. Love, on the other hand, has the power to transform our relationship with food, replacing fear with understanding, kindness, and empowerment. By embracing self-compassion, shifting our focus towards nourishment, respecting diversity, and encouraging mindful eating, we can create a more harmonious and fulfilling connection with the food we consume.

Alternatives to Food Fear-Mongering:

  • Nutritional Education: Prioritize learning about nutrition to make informed dietary choices. Understand the role of different nutrients and their impact on health.

  • Balanced Diets: Embrace variety from all food groups, ensuring that your diet is well-rounded and diverse. Celebrate the rich tapestry of flavors and ingredients available to you.

  • Mindful Eating: Shift your focus from fear to mindfulness. Practice being present during meals, paying attention to hunger and fullness cues, and savoring each bite. This approach promotes a healthier relationship with food.

  • Personalized Nutrition: Recognize that one-size-fits-all dietary advice may not work for everyone. Consider your factors, such as age, gender, activity level, and health conditions, when making food choices.


In conclusion, food fearmongering is not an effective approach to promoting healthier eating habits. Instead of relying on fear and coercion, we should focus on understanding, kindness, and empowerment when it comes to nutrition. Love, compassion, and personalized dietary choices can lead to a more harmonious and fulfilling relationship with the food we consume. Let's move away from fear and embrace a more positive and holistic approach to our diets for the benefit of our overall well-being.

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