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The unbelievably fun (yet wreckless) world of water-fasting

By Andy Moussignac

Blue Ocean Culture

Founder & Owner

Freedom, Innovation and overflow.
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  1. 24-hour water fast for beginners

  2.  Water fasting: Mindset shift and mental clarity

  3. Overcoming the "horrors" of water fasting

  4. Spiritual water fasting vs. weight loss benefits

  5. First-time water fasting guide: From preparation to breaking the fast

The unbelievably fun (yet wreckless) world of water-fasting

Can you imagine going an entire day without consuming any meal whatsoever? I can, and to tell you the truth, it is not as bad as people make it, nor is it as easy as people claim it to be. There is no better way to completely troll your mind than refusing to eat a meal, not to mention consuming nothing but water as well. So allow me to vent about all the benefits and horrors of water-fasting.

So what exactly is water-fasting?

Mental and physical effects of water fasting
fasting is for all ages

Water fasting is the kind of fast where you abstain from consuming every kind of substance except water. People do this for various reasons, the main ones are religious reasons or weight loss. This method of fasting has been done for nearly thousands of years. Although water-fasting can provide many benefits (weight loss, mind reset, lower blood pressure) this is not the kind of thing you want to jump into headfirst, specifically those with preexisting medical conditions. Your best thing to do is consult a medical professional before you decide to fast. 

1st time faster

Long story short, my church, where I am a current servant leader required us to fast from meat, bread, and sugar all the while drinking nothing but water. On the one day before the end of the fast, we were required to consume nothing but water. That’s right no food at all. By the time it got to that day, I was ready to gobble up an entire herd of cows. That very day I felt a bit dizzy but thankfully I felt better once I meditated and drank some water. That morning I went to class and I couldn’t remember a time when I felt so light. Even while I was walking, it felt like I was floating. Every time I stood from my chair or got out of bed, it felt as if I jumped or popped out. As in there was no weight holding me back or down. 

Tips and such on how to be a 1st time faster:

As stated before, you should not jump into this headfirst. Please go the extra mile to seek guidance from those who have done this before. Once you feel that you are ready to fast, feel free to follow this short guide to water fasting:

  • Preparation is Key: Never rush into a water fast. Seek guidance from experienced individuals who have walked this path before.

  • No physical activity: Save yourself a trip to the ICU and make sure you aren’t doing any kind of physically demanding activity or work.

  • Only do one day: Although it is possible to water-fast more than one day, that is still an unsafe and unsure gamble with your health. Water fasting past your threshold can make all the difference in it going all wrong. 

  • Consume a full meal before: Eating a full nutritious meal that is high in energy the night before, will make the fast not seem like such a total shock to your body.

  • Meditate: Once the hunger begins to settle in, this is where you would want to meditate. Make sure to find a quiet spot to lie down in, play some calm music, and have a cold glass of water to drink, close your eyes, and breathe in and out of your mouth.

  • Break the fast immediately if you start to feel unwell: You know your body feels better than anyone else does. If you start to feel high levels of dizziness, nauseousness, or flat-out weakness, go and eat something immediately. 

In closing

Blue ocean
Catch this wave while fasting

Water fasting can indeed offer intriguing insights and personal growth, but it's vital to approach it with caution and preparation. Whether you're looking to explore the mental and physical benefits or engage in a religious or spiritual practice, understanding the process and taking the necessary precautions will ensure a more rewarding and safe experience. So remember to catch this wave while embarking on an epic water fast.


Elevate Your Water Fasting with ENOF Foods - A Nutrient-Rich Companion!

Embark on your water fasting journey with ENOF Foods—a concentrated organic vegetable powder delivering up to 60% of your daily vitamins A, C, D, E, and K. Make your fasting experience more fulfilling and nourishing.

Why ENOF Foods?

ENOF Foods is a nutritional powerhouse that complements your water fast by providing essential nutrients for optimal well-being.

How ENOF Foods Enhances Your Fasting:

  1. Boosted Nutrition: ENOF Foods ensures your body gets the vital nutrients it needs during fasting, supporting overall health.

  2. Sustainable Energy: Combat fasting challenges with sustained energy from ENOF Foods, helping you stay focused and revitalized.

  3. Easy Integration: Sprinkle or mix ENOF Foods effortlessly into meals or beverages, enhancing flavor and nutrition.

Revolutionize your water-fasting journey! Click here to explore and purchase ENOF Foods—a lifestyle choice for enhanced well-being. Don't miss out on elevating your fasting experience with ENOF Foods!



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